Bethan Jenkins AM
 Chair, Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee
 National Assembly for Wales
 Ty Hywel
 Cardiff Bay
 CF99 1NA

25 May 2017

Dear Bethan


Petitions currently under consideration by the Petitions Committee


I am keen that we provide the best possible service to people and organisations who petition the National Assembly for Wales.


In this spirit, and a desire to support joint-working between Assembly committees, I am writing to you to share information about the petitions we are currently considering which concern subjects within the remit of your Committee.


The current list is in the annex to this letter.


If any petitions are relevant to your current work programme it will assist us in our consideration if you, or your clerking team, could let us know. If you would like any further information on any of these petitions I would also be happy to provide it.


Yours sincerely

Mike Hedges AC/AM

Cadeirydd/ Chair





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